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Weekly Review

Things impacting Stocks this Past Week:

1) Tax Reform is making its way to the US Congress. This will definitely be impacting the stock market in the weeks to come

2) The Economy grew at 3.1% which is a good sign for the general economy

3) Oil and Energy stocks are doing quite well at the moment

This was a good week for the stock market. $ROKU started to be traded and it had a good 2 days. However, $ROKU wasn't the only stock that was making money. $VERI was a very good stock to buy early this week. It crashes on Wednesday but it rebounded Friday and would be interesting to see what it does next week.

This week also starts trying some new things with paper trading on thinkorswim. I am going to be working on shorting stocks and trading options. This will be for next year. I want to expand my trading operation with these powerful tools.

My strategy is changing a little. I am still buying stocks that reach new highs however, I am going to start targeting new stocks that are taking off. I would like that the stock has good volume, is reaching new highs, and has had an IPO in the last two years.

This upcoming week I am looking to find a new stock to invest in. I don't want to force it and have to be smart. If I cant find an ideal stock to invest in this week. I will be investing in non volatile "safe" stocks until I can find the perfect stock.

Things to think about this upcoming week with the stock market. When will the stock market start to go down? $SPY has had a great year, the stock market in general has a great year. It won't stay like this forever. It is important to start coming up with a plan for when the next 2008 happens.

Quote of Week:

"Success is waking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm"

-Winston Churchill

This quote is great for the stock market because you will never be successful every time you buy a stock but being able to get back up and keep on trying. It took me about two years to turn a profit in the stock market. That is normal and I didn't give up and now I have the chance to be successful and I learned a lot about the stock market.

Week Gains/lost= 16.5% a lot of this came from $VERI

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